[Under Development]

Currently doing some research to re-learn how to develop in straight html, css, and javascript. So this site is barebones/blank until I get that all figured out.

You may also see some oddities on this page as I mess around with different stuff..

Will hopefully have something representable soon enough.

Some test code to see if I can get highlighting working

function orion.text.split(text,pos,size)
    -- splits a text (string) into a left, center and right part based on the specified position
    -- text is the string to split
    -- pos is the character location to make the split at
    -- size (optional, defaults 0) is the amount of characters to base the split around
    --  with 0 defined as 'no center text', so only left and right will be filled
    local s = size or 0
    local left, right, center = orion.string.sub(text,1,pos-1), orion.string.sub(text,pos+s,-1), ""
    if s > 0 then
        center = orion.string.sub(text,pos,pos+s-1)
  return left, right, center