The Index; Let us start here

Welcome to my small space on the internet.. or at least, the making of one. It's been awhile since I've done any web development (which probably shows) as it's taking me quite some time to get this place up and running in a form I'm satisfied with... but I guess there is some charm to that. Just go in knowing that this place is currently under development and many of the pages are still 'works in progress' ... or straight up 404 (missing).

But to summarize what this website intends to be.. my goal is to have a singular location for all things related to Shaltif. Whether that is my own creations, or the discussion of topics I have interest in, I want a place I can easily point to and say 'it's on there, have a look'. If you want more info on 'who I am', check out the about page (..once it's there, of course)

The Menu; So what is here