Aim High...

...but don't worry about missing the target. Even a little bit of progress gets one step closer to hitting the goal.

So what's new?

As expected, I didn't reach all my goals from my previous post. But I did get quite a bit of progress done.

So while I didn't get the 'chat layout' I wanted designed or finished up the many parts of this website still missing, I got an impressive amount of work done. So I'm happy with it so far. Just means you guys will still get to see continued updates from me ^_^.

With that said, time to hit F-Zero 99 to get my daily 5 races in (need to complete those daily unlocks =P) before heading off to sleep for the night.

EDIT (1 hour later): Man, talk about some close races! Played in a Knight League (5 races together) against some decent opponents, but notably this one player and I were going back and forth being first place on the series podium.

So we get to the last track, we both happen to be tie for first place (our total scores were added up across the four previous races). All either of us has to do is beat the other rival to secure a victory... side by side near most of that race, it came down to literally the last turn on Silence, but they still had enough energy meter to do a final boost through the red bumpers, thus securing their win. Damn, that was a fun set of races; and the closest I ever got to finally unlocking the last skin I need for Fire Stingray... next time!

What annoys me more is that I didn't video record that session... typically I record my sessions in the event I get a neat clip to post, but I just went in tonight thinking of just doing my daily 5 races and calling it a night... but Nooo, I had to have this epic battle play out, and I didn't record it!.... gah..