Posted: Oct 13th, 2024
Wait.. What happened?!
For those who were here before, you may have noticed that things have changed... in fact, a lot has changed. I re-built the entire site from the ground up after realizating I was spending way too much time making the site itself (and collecting content for it) and not actually posting.. or more directly, scope creep.
My original intention was to create a centralized location where I could post my 'blog entries' outside of the Discord text channels I was maintaining, but then tried to expand that by including 'everything' that I've ever uploaded to the internet. A cool goal, but one that was taking way too much time away from other important tasks...
So, earlier this week, I decided to scrap the old site and start over, ripping out all the unnecessary stuff and bringing it back to the basics; a simple activity log.
A butterfly
So what changed?
Everything... but some of the bigger highlights
- Removed the dedicated Landing (Home) and Gallery sections.
- Removed the iframes.
- Index now auto redirects to the newest log entry.
- Updated the Color/Theme Selection System.
- Expanded it to include 4 new colors (for a total of 12): Chartreuse, Spring Green, Azure and Rose.
- Can now directly control the Tertiary (3rd) color, allowing for more custom 3 color combos.
- Better setup the layout to make almost all colors readable/usable no matter the mode (still tweaking this).
- Simplified the javascript.
- Made the 404 page blank again.. may eventually re-visit this.
- ..and many more
One of the major changes was the shift from a modular design (so multiple pages, compiled together via iframes) to a more 'all inclusive' design (everything on a singlular page). The idea here is that the website will update as I post updates. So for example, if I decide to add a new menu item or change what's in the footer, the changes will only apply to new posts going forward. In this way, each post will be like a self contained time capsule of what the website looked liked / had to offer when a post was posted... This is somewhat of an experiment on my part, as I'm curious how this plays out in the long term.
-- A random code bit so I can make sure code highlighting is working as intended =P
function random_number()
return 4;
So anyway, that's it for now. Some features are still broken as of this writing (such as the menu above not really doing anything because this is the only post currently), but I plan to add those features as we move forward. Also, features from the old site may make a return (such as the galleries) in the future, but I didn't want to force myself to set that stuff up right now. As I mentioned, this is somewhat of an experiement, so you'll be seeing things update over the course of me posting updates.